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Other resources and initiatives

Discover other intitiatives implemented by the HI network and its partners : documents, toolbox and others.


Making It Work

Identifying solutions to advance the rights of persons with disabilities.


Early Rehabilitation in Conflicts and Disasters

A complete training kit with a Field Handbook and E-learning training



International online resource centre on disability and inclusion.


Humanitarian Alternatives

An international review discussing ideas and publishing research in the field of humanitarian action.


Intersectionality in Gender-Based Violence Programming project

Toolkit and e-learning modules


Voices on the CRPD

The testimonies collected from the actors and builders of the Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) and the role played by HI.


Our mission

Discover the vision, mission and values which guide HI's day-to-day work


Rehabilitation matters

The appeal made by people in conflict-affected areas.


Our mission

Discover the vision, mission and values which guide HI's day-to-day work


Photos : © S. Pecourt / HI - © Hardy Skills / HI - © F. Saracini / HI - © Alternatives Humanitaires - © Thor Morales / HI - © HI