Humanity & Inclusion Logo
This page is intended for anyone (partners, journalists...) who want to reproduce the Humanity & Inclusion logo for illustration and quotation purposes. Here, you can download the Humanité & Inclusion logo in the correct formats and read the logo's terms of use.

Download the Humanity & Inclusion Logo
When downloading the Humanity & Inclusion logo, you agree to respect the terms of use mentionned, as well as HI's rights to intellectual property.
the Humanité & Inclusion logo can be represented with a horizontal or vertical orientation, depending on the space available.
the logo has a transparent background. The generic color is Pantone 3005 blue (CMJN:100/31/0/0 et Hex:#0077c8), but the logo can also be used in white if you need it to stand out on a dark background.
for any use on screen (web, office software, etc.) download the logo in .PNG format (image below). For professionnal printing, the vectorized logo in .EPS format is also available.
The Humanity & Inclusion logo can only be used by people if:
- Humanity & Inclusion gave them an explicit permission for this precise and punctual use of the logo;
- There is no risk that, by using the logo, the user is mistaken for Humanity & Inclusion;
- The use of the logo is made in a context of activities or statements that respect Humanity & Inclusion's values;
- The use of the logo doesn't imply that Humanity & Inclusion supports or endorses the user's statements or activities.
If you need more information on the use of the Humanity & Inclusion logo you can contact [email protected]
Please note that any inappropriate use of the Humanity & Inclusion logo can lead to legal proceedings.